Salted Cod in Tomato and Onion – Baccala con Pomodoro e cipolla
Salted cod, known as ‘baccala’ in Italian, is a fish that has enjoyed extreme popularity in much of the Mediterranean.
Salted cod, known as ‘baccala’ in Italian, is a fish that has enjoyed extreme popularity in much of the Mediterranean.
We can’t believe that summer has ended and fall has arrived. That means the end or near-end of harvest for many vegetables. Here in Ontario,…
Let’s face it, they all lead to the same thing – little morsels of meat cooked over charcoal which imparts a flavour that for a…
Let me clarify something right from the start cause you’re going to see the pictures and say “hey, where is the sauce?” Translated, yes, bianco…
Grilled sardines with a hot pepper dressing make for a great appetizer or a light dinner.
This stuffed chicken roll is guaranteed to be a hit! A good friend of my mom had given this recipe to her long ago when…
Nduja, pronounced ‘An-du-ra’ or ‘An-du-ya’ depending where you are in Italy, originates from a Calabrian village that one of my Nonnas comes from called Spilinga.
My nonno always raised a couple of pigs on the farm so this was always an exciting time of year. I was lucky enough to…
Nonna’s Way wishes all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope you enjoy the holidays with friends and family.
Everyone raves about this ‘polpette’ recipe, Italian for ‘meatballs’, that nonna Francesca has been making for over 50 years.